Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Preview of Coming Attractions

This week has been rather slow, as all of the Group (including myself) have been bogged down in work, trying to write those nasty old papers so we can have fun. But never fear, Caitlin will be out adventuring again soon! Future fun events in my life:

1. My friends Stephanie and Caitlin M. are coming to visit! USC spring break kicks off next week, so they are flying to Heathrow airport to spend some quality time with me. I'm very excited to see them, and it's sure to be a blast.

2. Highlands Trip: Once the dust of the last week of class settles at the end of March, I will be off with my USC comrades on one of USC's delightful sponsored trips, this time up to Scotland and the Isle of Skye. We leave March 31st and return April 2nd.

3. After a night to catch our breath, Vanessa, Hilary and I will be boarding a plane for Paris to spend five days in the City of Lights! (Luckily, Hilary speaks much more French than I do...). We'll leave April 3rd and return late on April 7th.

That's all for now. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. The header for this posting always reminds me of Grace Kelly in REAR WINDOW. ;-)

    Thanks for all the work you are doing to share your adventures with us!

