Thursday, January 29, 2009

Road Trip!

So as some of you may know by now, I've made a few whirlwind decisions over the last 48 hours. See, Queen Mary has what is called "Reading Week" in the middle of February, which allows students to catch up on their course work and write those papers which are due halfway through term. Study abroad students, however, tend to take it as a sign that it is time to take the hills and have some fun, and my friends and I are no exception. That's why I'll be spending my Reading Week in Italy and Switzerland! We'll be spending time in Rome, Venice, Lucerne and Geneva, before trekking home. The final schedule is still being hammered out, so I'll post it once all the details are set in stone.

I'm very excited to be seeing some of Europe; it should be an awesome experience!


  1. Wow ... good for you. Enjoy all these opportunities while you can :)

    I was in Rome as part of a grander Holy Land Trip back in 1972 and found it fascinating (including getting pinched on the patootie by a total stranger while walking down the street!)

  2. How exciting for you! I've only been to the UK and the Netherlands, but would love a chance to see additional European countries. Have fun!

