Saturday, January 3, 2009


After a ten-hour flight, an hour going through security and picking up baggage, and two hours of waiting for the next Queen Mary shuttle, I have finally made it to campus! Given the previous sentence, you will of course forgive me for this short post and/or lack of coherency. Pictures of the apartment and surrounding area will be forthcoming, but the extreme task of making my bed has sapped me of my energy. For now, suffice it to say that I am alive and well at my destination, that I have briefly met two of my flat mates who seem to be very nice and friendly, and that after a solid night's sleep to supplement the three I've had in the last...36 hour? 48 hour? time period, I will be more inclined to clue you in to campus life.

Dinner is an "Irish" dinner tonight. I will try to clear up the vagueness of that menu after I've actually eaten the meal. Orientation starts bright and early tomorrow morning with breakfast, followed by several lectures, followed by lunch, followed by a bus tour of London. That exhausts me just looking at it!

Alrighty folks, I need to figure out where the free food is to supplement the M&M's I've been snacking on. Cheers!


P.S. I've changed the time-stamps on my posts to London-time, so no need to make any mental adjustments!


  1. Hooray for your first post from London!

  2. Congratulations on meeting all the challenges of the past 24 hours. Still don't know how you handled two suit cases, a backpack, etc. Next 36 hours sound like a challenging but fun experience.

  3. Well, Caitlin, you have now arrived in my favorite city. Wish I could be on that bus tour with you tomorrow!!
